Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Success Implementation of Education Management in STAISA

H. Asep Idrus Alawi
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi,
Obsatar Sinaga
Padjadjaran University
Keywords: STAISA, education management, Islamic education systems, communication and coordination..


The school system and its education management have a backbone role in the success and good reputation of any school. The schools use many different strategies to keep their education quality more effective than their competitors. In a similar myriad, the current study investigated the success factors and determinants followed by STAISA for the effective implementation and practice of education management system. The study has investigated different factors including the curriculum, learning facility, financing, school infrastructure, interaction or communication from the society, the education management instructors’ quality, experience, training, course offering and qualification and others. The study investigated the STAISA education management system using a qualitative research methodology and an interview tool for the data collection from the administration authorities including the principal, vice-principal and other decision-making persons in the school. The data analysis technique was thematic analysis and mind mapping. The findings indicate that the school has been successful in implementation of a strong academic curriculum and has integrated departments focusing on cooperation and communication among all stakeholders.

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