Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Geographical Nature in the Islamic East and its Impact on the History of the Political Formation of the States of the Islamic East

Hanya Salman Abdul Hameed
University of Basrah University of Basrah/ College of Education for girls
Dr. kifayeh Tarish Al Ali
University of BasrahUniversity of Basrah/ College of Education for girls
Keywords: history, east, society, Islamic, geography.


Objectives: the study aims at investigating the impact of geography in the foundation of the political authorities of Islamic East.Methods: the study follows a descriptive approach i.e. historical narrations in which Arab geographers' resources and  translated resources that deal with the history and geography of Islamic East , are provided.Results: The study concluded that geography played a significant role in establishing  any states as well as in creating leaders of any political transition.Recommendations: more research about the history of geography of Islamic East areas and its impact on politics and society are required.

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