Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploring the Collocational Competence in the Writing of Iraqi Efl Learners and Some Pedagogical Implications

Zainab Faiz Jasim
AL- Iraqia University, College of Arts, Department of Translation Iraq
Keywords: collocational competence, EFL learners, Syntax, language acquisition..


This study investigates the collocational competence of advanced Iraqi EFL learners. Collocational competence refers to the ability to use words in combination with other words in a grammatically correct and idiomatic manner. The study found that, while Iraqi EFL students have a strong command of syntax and vocabulary, they frequently misuse collocations. For instance, they can employ incorrect prepositions with verbs or misuse a phrase in an idiomatic way. The study also discovered that certain collocations are particularly difficult for Iraqi EFL learners to use correctly. Collocations with verbs of action, collocations with adjectives, and collocations with nouns are a few examples of these. The study's conclusions are then discussed about pedagogy. The researcher advises EFL teachers to concentrate on teaching collocations and allowing students to practice using collocations in context. Additionally, it is recommended that teachers be aware of the specific collocations that Iraqi EFL learners are more likely to misuse. Finally, the paper provides a valuable overview of the challenges that Iraqi EFL learners face in acquiring collocational competence, and helps to guide the creation of more efficient teaching strategies for EFL students.

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