Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Social Dimension in Abu Tammam’s Poetry, Generosity and Courage, is an Example

Nadine Mohamed Abdel Hussein
University of Kufa, Faculty of Arts
Asst Prof Dr. Star Abdullah Jassim
University of Kufa, Faculty of Arts
Keywords: courage, generosity, cowardice, miserliness, Abu Tammam, poetry.


This research, titled (The Social Dimension in Abu Tammam’s Poetry - Generosity and Courage as an Example), dealt with an important thematic dimension in Abu Tammam’s poetry (188 AH-231 AH), which is the social dimension. The research touched on the courage, generosity, miserliness, and cowardice that appeared in Abu Tammam’s poetry and their relationship. The personality of the poet and its effects on society.

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