Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Gender Dynamics in Higher Education: A Multidimensional Case Study

Bibian Bibeca Bumbila García
Technical University of Manabi in Ecuador
Iris María Sánchez Azúa
Technical University of Manabi in Ecuador
Loyola Guadalupe García Alvarado
University of Manabi in Ecuador
Shayana Anabel Camino Acosta
Technical University of Cotopaxi in Ecuador
Ligia Estela Loor Lino
Technical University of Manabi in Ecuador
Jenniffer Sobeida Moreira-Choez
Graduate School of Milagro State University in Ecuador
Keywords: gender equity, educational experience, policies, cultural diversity..


In the contemporary setting, it has become crucial to understand the differentiated experiences according to gender at the university. The research analyzes the perceptions of students at the Technical University of Manabí regarding academic and administrative aspects using a quantitative approach and a sample of 2870 undergraduate students. Through the use of SPSS, significant differences in perceptions according to gender were identified, although the effect size was moderate, indicating that they are not marked. It is therefore fundamental to encourage inclusive and equitable strategies, and to prioritize a deeper exploration to properly support future institutional policies.

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