Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Effect of the 2022 Constitutional Amendments on the Three Branches of Government in Jordan

Numan Ahmad Elkhatib
Amman Arab University
Mohmmad Husien Almajali
Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan
Bilal Abu Aisheh
Amman Arab University
Yanal Ahmad Yosuf Abu-Khit
An Independent Researcher
Keywords: Amendment, constitution, government, parliament, powers..


This article investigates the effect of the 2022 constitutional amendments on the three branches of government in Jordan and the degree of their impact on the rights and duties of Jordanian men and women and some independent constitutional institutions and bodies. The descriptive and analytical research approach is used to expound on the constitutional amendments incorporated into the Jordanian constitution in 2022 and their impact on the formation and work of the authorities and their efficiency in building a stable democratic constitutional system. Answers to questions related to the impact of the 2022 constitutional amendments on political parties and parliamentary governments are also provided, as the majority of the constitutional amendments can be a prelude to parliamentary governments in Jordan. The results indicate that achieving parliamentary governments requires developing the foundations and mechanisms of the electoral process, which enhances the role of Parliament in the Jordanian political system, strengthens its relationship with the executive authority based on oversight and balance, achieves positive results on the rights and duties of Jordanian men and women, and activates the role of women and youth in political and constitutional life.

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