Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Cornerstone of Institutional Reform as an Approach to Charting Sustainable Development Paths: A Diagnostic-analytical Study in the Center of Dohuk Governorate

Sultan Ahmed k. Alnofal , Nidal Ali suleiman , Fadwa Ali Hussain , Ghada Nafi Sideeq , Raghad Osama Jarallah Mohammed
Keywords: institutional reform, Sustainable development paths, Dohuk Governorate Center.


The objective of the current study was to ascertain whether the organization under investigation actually possessed the institutional reform pillars pillars (administrative basis, governance pillar, economic basis, social basis) and to identify the pillar's actual function in outlining routes for sustainable growth (positive paths, oscillating paths, and negative paths). The study's main issue was raised by whether the organization's institutional reform base dictates its paths toward sustainable development at the level of the survey. The researchers used a variety of statistical tools (frequencies, percentages, arithmetic media, standard deviation, response ratio, coefficient of variation, correlation, and regression) and adopted the questionnaire form as a tool to collect data on the phenomenon under study. The outcomes of the study included several important findings, the most notable of which is the existence of a correlation and impact between the foundations of institutional reform and the paths of sustainable development at the level of the organisation studied.

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