Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Planning and Architecture of Mosul Preparatory School In (1312 AH \ 1895 AD)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akram Mohamed Yahya
University of Mosul / College of Archeology / Department of Archeology,
Keywords: Mosul Preparatory School, planning, architecture.


The city of Mosul was among the most prominent Arab and Islamic cities that received great and distinguished attention in the emergence and development of religious schools as a result of the interest of its residents and their passion for science and knowledge, after God honored it with the light of Islam in 16 AH during the reign of Caliph Al-Faruq Omar bin Al-Khattab, and the architectural activity expanded in the construction of religious schools after the need for them appeared from an early time, so they were inside mosques and were known as Katateeb, which is the first stage of religious, linguistic and educational education in the city of Mosul And continued its urban and cultural activity for centuries until it reached a great prosperity and varied during the Arab and Islamic eras, where the city of Mosul gave birth to a large number of scientists, jurists, writers, intellectuals and students of science, until it was said about it and either attributed to Mosul from the people of science is more than counted, and the effects of a large number of schools in the city of Mosul are still visible to the present time, including Mosul Preparatory School, the subject of research and study, it retains its location and planning and all its architectural, technical and planning elements that It was on it at the time of its establishment in (1312 AH / 1895 AD).

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