Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Effectiveness of Foresight and Systemic Thinking of Strategic Intelligence to Improving the Tourism Organization Superiority

Semir khelil Ibrahim Shamto
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Tourist Sciences, University of Karbala, Iraq,
Dr. Amel Chaabouni
Professor, University of Tunisia, Tunisia,
Keywords: effectiveness, foresight, systems thinking, strategic intelligence, excellence, tourism organization.


The Foresight and systems thinking represent a systematic method to employ the development ideas of the tourism organization,
as these two elements enable better preparation for the expected change in the business environment; This allows the
organization to face challenges and invest in opportunities that enable it to make appropriate decisions to excel. The research
aims to study the effectiveness of foresight and systems thinking in improving the superiority of the tourism organization.

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