Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Analysis of the Elements of The Theory of Crime

Geoconda Del Rocío García Sánchez
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Extensión Quevedo, Ecuador
Pablo Mariano Ojeda Sotomayor
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Extensión Quevedo, Ecuador
Ab. Cinthya Mariela Cajas Párraga
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Extensión Quevedo, Ecuador
Keywords: Elements, Theory of Crime, Criminal Law, Causal System, Finalist System..


This article aims to analyze the elements of the theory of crime, as its structure and the doctrinal categories that comprise it are sometimes confused or unknown. It is necessary to clarify and detail each of the characteristics, requirements, and approaches to each of them through the analysis of legal doctrine in this regard, in accordance with the regulations provided in the Ecuadorian legal system. It is explained in a way that is understandable for those who are beginning the study and practice of criminal law, hoping it will serve as a guide and a tool for working with specific cases. This research is framed within a qualitative approach, and methods such as legal hermeneutics, analytical-synthetic method, and inductive-deductive method were used. The instruments used in this study include legal doctrine and current regulations. As for the approach used, it is qualitative in nature since it is based on the main characteristics of a studied phenomenon, aiming to understand its components to explain its primary features. One of the main conclusions of the research is the existence of four basic interrelated components of the theory of crime, each derived from the other.

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