Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of Influencers on Purchase Intention

Hang Thi Thuy Nguyen
Department of Business Administration, FPT University, 90000, Can Tho City, Vietnam
Nhu Huynh Tam Tran
Department of Business Administration, FPT University, 90000, Can Tho City, Vietnam
Thuong Thi Mong Nguyen
Department of Business Administration, FPT University, 90000, Can Tho City, Vietnam
Lam Hoang Nguyen
Department of Business Administration, FPT University, 90000, Can Tho City, Vietnam
Tuan Quoc Lam
International Business, Faculty of Business Administration, FPT University, 90000, Can Tho City, Vietnam
Keywords: Impact, Purchase Intentions, Influencer..


Using the Can Tho market in Vietnam as an example, this research looks at how social media influencers affect consumers' propensity to buy. The data collected via structured questionnaires is analysed using a quantitative research technique in this study. In order to gather information, 308 people were interviewed in Can Tho, Vietnam. Amos 25.0 and IBM SPSS are used to assess the study's results. According to the research, influencers are those who may greatly impact reputation due to their social attractiveness, expertise in content creation. Appearance and credibility also play a significant role in determining whether or not a customer wants to buy a product. The research stresses the significance of influencer marketing and the need for organisations to prioritise the development of genuine and meaningful connections with influencers. A key component of successful marketing tactics, according to the statistics, is placing a premium on genuine and relevant influencer-brand interactions. This research sheds light on the function of influencer marketing in the context of contemporary consumerism and provides tactical recommendations for enhancing brand perception and generating more purchase intent via the use of influencers.

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