Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Language for Sustainable Development Visualizing the Knowledge Maps by Bibliometric Review

Songyu Jiang
Rattanakosin International College of Creative Entrepreneurship,Rajamangala University of Technology , Rattanakosin, Nakhon Pathom,73170,Thailand
Hao Li
Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand
Xiaojun Ke
School of Business Administration, Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology, 510540 China
Mao Ran
Eva Yangyi Ou
Keywords: Language industry, Sustainable development, Bibliometric analysis, Knowledge graph, social science, Language for SDGs, education for SDGs..


As the linchpin of human society, language not only influences but also delineates the trajectory of sustainable development. This research utilizes 2,527 documents sourced from the Web of Science (2019-2023), employing bibliometric analysis to construct the knowledge maps. It delves into the contemporary status of collaboration, thematic patterns, and emerging trends within this sphere of research, examining aspects such as publication year, authorial, institutional, and national collaborations, keyword clusters, evolution of keywords over time, and keyword prominence. The findings illuminate Lawrence, is the most dominant author and Chinese institutions manifest a notable upper hand in this domain. The United States and China's contributions are particularly significant. From a disciplinary perspective, environmental and natural sciences have shown more interest in this subject compared to social sciences. Keyword cluster analysis reveals that air temperature, sustainable development, motivation, oceans, carbon, impact, and metamorphic rocks are currently the dominant keyword clusters. Furthermore, there is an increasing interest in the intersection of language and sustainable development within social science disciplines in recent years. Moreover, emergent research hotspots are encapsulated in highlighted terms such as education, technology, social media, and teachers. This research fosters a paradigm in language for sustainable development, aptly aligning it with the evolving zeitgeist.

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