A View of the Prevention and Issues of Persons with Mental Disabilities Serving Prison Sentences in the Czech Republic
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Institute of Education and Communication, Department of Pedagogy, V Lázních 3, 159 00 Praha 5 – Malá Chuchle, Czech Republic.
The professional text looks at issues that the professional public pays little attention to. The topic is a view of persons with mental disabilities who commit criminal activity and are sentenced in the Czech prison system. The professional contribution aims to draw attention not only to terminological changes in terminology, but also to social and professional changes that are linked to work with individuals with mental disabilities in prisons. People with intellectual disabilities have the same human rights as all other people. They have the right to live, work and participate in society, they have the right to make their own decisions and to determine their own lives to the greatest extent possible. In some cases, adults with intellectual disabilities cannot fully understand the nature of legally binding actions or decisions or understand their consequences and effects. It is necessary to pay attention to prevention and to support the self-determination and responsibility of people with mental disabilities.