Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Towards A Holistic Approach to Organizational Culture

Farid Mohammad Qawasmeh
Associate Professor, Business Administration, Jadara University, Jordan
Esraa F. Qawasmeh
Professor, Human Resources Management, Jadara University, Jordan.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Organizational Values, Organizational Beliefs, Organizational Norms, Organizational Expectations..


This study aims to provide a cultural framework to evaluate the performance of Organizational Cultures (OC) in Jordanian commercial banks. To achieve the study objective, the researchers developed a questionnaire consisting of (30) items, distributed among four OC dimensions (Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Expectations) and organizational performance. The study population consisted of all employees in Jordanian commercial banks in the north region totaling around (650) male and female employees, while the study sample was (233) elements representing (36%) of the population. The researchers collected the data and applied SPSS software for analysis. The most important result of the study is: OC is strongly and positively related to organizational performance, OC overall dimension scored high, with a mean of (3.93) using five-point Likert scale., Organizational Performance scored high (4.04) on five-point Likert scale. The key recommendation of this study is to develop a positive organizational culture by improving the environment system, providing a comfortable atmosphere for work, establish good relations with colleagues, and create an organizational climate that encourages personal achievement and excellence.

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