Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

English Language Four Skills Learning Via Blackboard During Covid-19

Sultan Ayed Alanazi
Department of Languages and Translation, Faculty of Education and Arts University of, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Online Education, Blackboard, English Language Skills..


This study examined the perceptions of 125 Saudi Computer and Information. Technology (CIT) students at Tabuk University towards blackboard’s efficiency as a sole medium of instruction during COVID-19 for Learning the four English language skills. The study administered a 24-item questionnaire with the five-point Likert Scale responses. Findings showed that participants had positive perceptions towards learning four English language skills via blackboard as a sole medium of instruction during COVID-19. Listening was the top developed skill while Writing was the least developed skill. This study supports connectivism theory in learning the four English language skills and proves that Blackboard was efficient in providing and offering opportunities for second language learning.

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