What's old is new again: A study of sources in the Šarafnāma of Šaraf Xān Bidlīsī (1005-7/1596-99)
Sacha Alsancaklı
New Sorbonne University
New Sorbonne University
Keywords: expat mobility, boundaries, family, cosmopolitanism, migration.
The Šarafnāma of Šaraf Xān (949-1009/1543-1600), prince of Bidlīs, was composed in 1005-7/1596-99 and is arguably the most important work on Kurdish history. It displays an uninterrupted chain of transmission from its composition to the present time, and nearly two centuries have passed since it was "discovered" and studied by Orientalists. Still, many aspects of the Šarafnāma have yet to be studied, including the work's sources and how they were utilised by Šaraf Xān. This article aims to be a contribution to the study of this particular aspect, through identifying the historians who inspired Šaraf Xān, and providing an analysis of his methodology and approach to the sources.