Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Defensive Fortress for Strengthening Religious Harmony: The Existence and Strategy of Pioneers in Religious Moderation to Educate Muslims in Sumatera Utara

Muhammad Qorib
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Rahmat Rifai Lubis
Sekolah Tingga Agama Islam Sumatera
Keywords: Pioneer of Religious Moderation, Religiosity, Religious Harmony.


Indonesia's diversity is a gift of infinite value, but some consider it as the basis for triggering conflict. The religious aspect is also often highlighted by the conflict. Religious moderation is one of the solutions offered. It requires the presence of pioneers to become the leading agent in religious moderation. This study was aimed to analyze the existence, strategies, obstacles, and future agenda of the pioneers of religious moderation in fostering the religiosity of Muslims. The pioneer as the object of this study is a cadre from Indonesian Ulama Council in Sumatera Utara. The method used qualitative based on phenomenological studies. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results revealed the existence of pioneers of religious moderation in Sumatera Utara initiated by Indonesian Ulama Council of Sumatera Utara with the regeneration pattern in training and Training of Trainers, that currently has a certificate license. The coaching strategy carried out by the pioneer is da'wah bil lisan (speech), da'wah bil hal (action), and da'wah bil kitabah (writing). The obstacles faced are the negative views about religious moderation, coordination, pioneer welfare, the absence of organizational structure. The future agenda of the pioneers is to increase the number of pioneers, particularly the sub-district and village levels, to cooperate with the government, and to massively declare the village of religious moderation.

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