Education Governance Perspectives Good Governance and Sound Governance
Master of Higher Education Management, Postgraduade Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia,
A. Akrim
Master of Higher Education Management, Postgraduade Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia,
In general governance, actually the existing regulatory tools in Indonesia are sufficient. However, the problem is at the implementation level considering the limitations in vocational education. One of them is the limitation of qualified educators and education personnel. This research uses literature studies and direct observations conducted by researchers as data collection methods. As for the discussion, a qualitative descriptive approach to management education is important to discuss because there are still many assumptions that governance is not good. Poor governance will have an impact on many sectors, one of which is education. Poor education management will cause a gap between the goals to be achieved and the reality that occurs in the field. The purpose of this study is to look at Education Governance from the perspective of good governance and sound governance. The results showed that governance in any form implies to reject various forms of government activity based on power orientation. Open government also becomes meaningless when transparency is not carried out properly. Under certain conditions transparency can threaten the political stability of a country that will be utilized by some groups for certain purposes.