Forms of Da'i Communication Patterns in Delivering Da'wah
Imam Bonjol State Islamic University Padang
Zulkiple Abd Ghani
The National University of Malaysia
Japeri Japeri
Imam Bonjol State Islamic University Padang
Puja Dikusuma Mardiana
Imam Bonjol State Islamic University Padang
In developing Islamic teachings to the wider community, the right da'wah communication pattern is needed so that it can be accepted easily in the community as the object of da'wah or mad'u. In this study the authors will describe several different communication patterns when da'i preach at the Taqwa Muhammadiyah Salareh Aia mosque, Agam Regency, namely; (1) Primary communication patterns (2) Secondary communication patterns (3) Linear communication patterns and (4) Circular communication patterns. The purpose of this research is to find out the communication patterns of da'i in delivering their da'wah at Majid Taqwa Muhammadiyah Kenagarian Salareh Aia Agam Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods (field research) with data collection techniques through observation interviews and documentation involving da'i and mad'u at the Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque. . The results of this study can be used as initial data for subsequent researchers in studying this problem in different contexts and issues and can be used by da'i as an illustration of the forms of da'i communication patterns in delivering da'wah.