Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Educational Technology Standards (IS-TA) In Content of Computer Textbooks for Preparatory Stage in Iraq

Amenah Salman AL-Bermani
Student in University of Baghdad / College of Education (Ibn Rushd)
Prof. Dr. Zainab Hamza Raji (ZH Raji)
University of Baghdad / College of Education (Ibn Rushd)
Keywords: computer textbooks ,Educational technology, preparatory stage.


         The current research aims to analyze the content of computer textbooks for the preparatory stage in the Republic of Iraq according to the standards (IS-TA)1 for educational technology prepared in light of Standards for educational technology in light of ISTE'S Standards for students and the standards of the Computer Teachers Association CSTA (K-12) for the preparatory stage, and to achieve the research objectives, the two researchers followed the descriptive/analytical research approach, and the research community was determined by the content of computer textbooks for the preparatory stage in Iraq for the year (2021/2022). The research sample was the same community, and a tool was (IS-TA) standards for educational technology. The two researchers verified the validity of the analysis by presenting a percentage (20%) of the analysis sample to a group of experts and arbitrators to verify the validity of the analysis. The percentage of 80% was approved for validity, and the stability of the analysis was verified using two methods (consistency over time and stability across others). The results of the research were that there were (3) axes from the analysis list that did not record any repetition, i.e. (zero) repetition, and they were ranked eighth and last, and the axis (technological control and mastery of electronic applications and services) came in first place, and the total frequencies for the availability of (IS-TA) standards for educational technology (1840) recurrence.

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