Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Key Educational Barriers for Disabled Employment In KSA

Ali Mohammed Medabesh
Jazan University College of Business Administration, Saudi Arabia.
Nadeem Malik
University of Balochistan, Pakistan
Mohammed Shafi
Kashmir University, India
Javaid Rashid
University of Kota, India
Keywords: Educational Problems, Climate, Psychological Disabilities, Work Team, Saudi Arabia..


This study analyzes inclusive education concepts related to people with disabilities and their integration into the workforce. It employs the historical method for psychoanalysis, emphasizing individualized educational paths for individual with disabilities. The study also explores theoretical foundations crucial for vocational guidance with disabled employment. The sample comprises 187 participants from various positions and regions in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, including managers, perspectives on working conditions for disabled people and employers, views on their professions. It identifies psychological, personal, and communication barriers affecting employment decisions. The study farther examines gender-specific psychological disabilities and regional and age-based variations in responses. It concludes by highlighting directions to correct results can aid in addressing employment issues and enhancing the psychological well-being of disabled employees.

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