Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Analysis of the Impact of Customer Relationship Management on The Decision to Choose Convenience Stores Among Urban Residents in Can Tho City, Vietnam

Trinh Tran Thị Tuyet
Faculty of Business Administration, FPT Polytechnic, FPT University, Can Tho Campus, Vietnam.
Duy Vu Le
Faculty of Business Administration, FPT Polytechnic, FPT University, Can Tho Campus, Vietnam
Vinh Dinh Quoc
Faculty of Business Administration, FPT Polytechnic, FPT University, Can Tho Campus, Vietnam
Thao Nguyen Tan
Faculty of Business Administration, FPT Polytechnic, FPT University, Can Tho Campus, Vietnam
Keywords: Customer relationship, convenience stores, urban residents, Can Tho City, Vietnam..


This study explores the impact of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on convenience store choices among urban residents in Can Tho City. A survey involving 350 consumers resulted in a final sample size of 313, obtained through a convenient sampling method to ensure a representative cross-section. Employing established statistical techniques, the research assessed the reliability of the measurement scale using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and conducted exploratory factor analysis to reveal latent variables influencing consumer behavior. Regression analysis was employed to model relationships between variables, revealing insights into the impact of service quality, employee behavior, interaction ability, information technology, and customer personalization. The findings emphasize the pivotal role of service quality, with the highest beta coefficient of 0.366, indicating its significant influence on convenience store choices. Employee behavior closely follows, with a positive impact, underscoring the importance of well-trained and customer-oriented staff. Interaction ability, information technology, and customer personalization also contribute positively to consumers' decisions, albeit with varying degrees of influence. The study's robust design and methodology offer valuable insights for businesses aiming to succeed in the competitive market of Can Tho City, emphasizing the critical need to prioritize service quality, employee behavior, interaction ability, information technology, and customer personalization within their CRM strategies. Overall, this research enriches the understanding of consumer behavior in this specific geographic and cultural context, providing actionable recommendations for businesses seeking to enhance their CRM practices.

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