Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Achieving Assessment Equity and Fairness: Identifying and Eliminating Bias in Assessment Tools and Practices

Dr. Yusra Jadallah Abed Khasawneh
Faculty of Educational Sciences., Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Ajloun National University, Jordan
Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh
Assistant Professor, Special Education Department, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Assessment, Equity, Bias..


The objective of this study is to examine different types of bias present in assessment tools and techniques, identify and eliminate any forms of favoritism, and suggest effective approaches for advancing equity and objectivity in assessment procedures. The research utilizes a qualitative methodology, incorporating surveys and focus group discussions with educators and students to collect data. Thematic analysis is a method employed for the purpose of analyzing qualitative data. The results suggest that students hailing from diverse cultural backgrounds perceive partiality in the language and cultural context of evaluations, leading to diminished scores. According to academic professionals, standardized tests are subject to bias, and offering accommodations that cater to linguistic and cultural diversity may improve the academic achievement of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The findings of this research are of great importance to professionals in the domains of education, policy development, and academia who seek to improve assessment practices and promote equitable educational opportunities for all learners.

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