Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Architectural Manifestation by Duality of Demolition and Construction in Theatre, A Play "The Dam" as a Model

Ali Abdullah Mohammed
University of Baghdad / College of Fine Arts / Department of Performing Arts
Prof. Dr. Qaseem Mones Aziz
Keywords: .


The current research examines the modalities of the presence of the form in the composition of theatrical performance, and the architectural manifestation, in the duality of demolition and construction, of the form, and what can be summarized by the following question: (What are the technical modalities of demolition and construction in the architectural manifestation of the contemporary theatrical performance?), so the research is determined with a pivotal goal, which is ( To know the methods of technical treatment in the architectural presentation by demolishing and building in the theatrical scene for the show). The research comes within its limits set forth in its methodological framework, to analyze the phenomenon under study, with the aim of identifying, controlling, and employing it.

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