Gender and Power in Jordanian Speech Community A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Effect of Gender on Power and Style of Language
Gender, Powerful and Powerless Language, Interruptions, Hedges, Tag Questions.Abstract
Power, gender, beside language can be fundamental ideas in several academic disciplines. These ideals are represented in diverse directions by various cultures. The current study sheds light on the impact towards the gender variable on the power of language used in Jordanian society. The sample of the study comprised 30 participants (equally distributed by gender) who were randomly selected and voluntarily participated in the research from the University of Jordan. The analysis of the study included a qualitative method which was mainly based on identifying the difference between women and men in using powerful and powerless language by investigating the differences in using interruptions hedging tactics, tag inquiries. According to the results of the study, it has been discovered that men employ greater power language than women. While, it won’t mean that feminine language is weak, though. in that situation due to the usage of power language is strongly tied to the classroom lesson's perspective. Additionally, research in varied circumstances would also be important to get a clear image of power language in people with similar backgrounds.
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