Legal Technology in Electronic Fines for Traffic Violations as A New Paradigm of Law in the Digital World


  • Yusuf Gunawan Lecturer at STIH IBLAM


Electronic Ticket, Traffic, Legal Technology, New Paradigm, Police.


Technological developments are currently very fast and must be utilized to work more efficiently and effectively in terms of enforcing traffic violations so as to reduce the number of accidents and increase awareness and discipline in traffic which is currently lacking. This study aims to see how the application of legal technology in electronic fines for traffic violations as a new legal paradigm in today's digital world is related to effectiveness and law enforcement in Indonesia. The method used in this study is normative qualitative, namely the statutory, conceptual and case approaches with data sources namely the field and literature. The formulation of the problem is: 1. How is law enforcement for traffic violations in Indonesia? 2. How is the use of legal technology in electronic fines as a new legal paradigm in the digital world? The conclusions of this study are 1. It is felt that manually enforcing traffic violations can have an impact on reducing the image of the traffic police because there is too much human intervention which is the opposite of the traffic police motto, namely towards an orderly Indonesia and saffety is number one  . 2. The use of technology must be used as widely as possible so that it is effective and efficient in realizing the motto of the traffic police in all parts of Indonesia. Advice to the traffic police is to provide the best possible facilities and infrastructure in order to improve the image of the traffic police in the community. Obey the traffic rules even though many don't obey and don't follow the wrong ones.




How to Cite

Yusuf Gunawan. (2023). Legal Technology in Electronic Fines for Traffic Violations as A New Paradigm of Law in the Digital World. Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 3000–3010. Retrieved from