The Role of Mantra in Human Life: New Evidence in Education


  • Warni Department of Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universitas Jambi-Indonesia
  • Sukarno Department of Science Education, UIN Shulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi-Indonesia


Mantra, metacognitive skills, scientific attitudes, concept mastery


Mantra is often used in everyday life. However, there has not been much research on the role of the mantra in learning and its impact on metacognitive skills, scientific attitudes, and concept mastery. This research aims to determine the role of mantras in learning and describe their impact on those three variables. The approach used in this research is quantitative-qualitative (mixed-method). The quantitative approach is carried out using a quasi-experimental design. Data was collected through tests and interviews. Respondents in this study were 14 physics education students from the physics learning evaluation course. The research concludes that a mantra positively impacts metacognitive skills, scientific attitudes, and concept mastery. Respectively, Levene's Test for Equality of Variances is 0.022 <0.05 (significant for metacognitive skills), 0.070>0.05 (not significant for scientific attitudes), and 0.443 > 0.05 (significant for concept mastery). This research implies that lecturers must involve or use mantras to improve students' metacognitive skills, scientific attitudes, and concept mastery.




How to Cite

Warni, & Sukarno. (2023). The Role of Mantra in Human Life: New Evidence in Education. Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 2916–2931. Retrieved from