Factors Affecting the Intention to Choose Electronic Wallet Payment in Online Shopping: An Empirical Research in Can Tho City, Vietnam


  • Giao Huynh Ngoc Dong First Author and Corresponding Author. Faculty of Business Administration, FPT University, Can Tho Campus, Vietnam.
  • Hong Minh Ngoc Tran Faculty of Business Administration, FPT University, Can Tho Campus, Vietnam
  • Anh Phan Ngoc Que Faculty of Business Administration, FPT University, Can Tho Campus, Vietnam


Electronic wallet payment, online shopping, behavioral intention, vietnam.


The present study provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical framework encompassing electronic wallets, behavioral intention, and relevant theoretical models. Building upon this theoretical foundation, the research model and hypotheses are developed, drawing upon the UTAUT2 framework. The data collection for this study was conducted in Can Tho City, Vietnam, during November 2022. The findings reveal that the intention to choose electronic wallet payment in online shopping is significantly influenced by key factors, namely Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Cost Consideration, and Habit. However, the study does not provide conclusive evidence to establish the impact of Facilitating Conditions and Entertainment Value on the intention to choose electronic wallet payment for online shopping within the research context of Vietnam.




How to Cite

Giao Huynh Ngoc Dong, Hong Minh Ngoc Tran, & Anh Phan Ngoc Que. (2023). Factors Affecting the Intention to Choose Electronic Wallet Payment in Online Shopping: An Empirical Research in Can Tho City, Vietnam. Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 2811–2821. Retrieved from https://kurdishstudies.net/menu-script/index.php/KS/article/view/842