Fostering Teaching Through Reflective Practices: A Case Of A Community Secondary School Of Karachi, Pakistan


  • Shameer Khokhar
  • Dr. Rahat Rizvi
  • Aseem Majid Rizvi
  • Zill-E-Huma



Reflective Practices, Pedagogical Skills, Professional growth, Reflection on Action, Reflection in Action


Reflective practice is a key element of effective teaching. The ability of reflection to assist students in viewing problems from multiple perspectives is what gives it value in the classroom. Teaching coupled with reflection stands as a primary means for teachers to enact positive enhancements in their practices. Among various tools aiding professional development, reflective practice stands out, aligning teachers with contemporary teaching methods. It expands teachers' perspectives by fostering awareness of their actions before and during teaching sessions. This study specifically examines the practice of reflecting on actions post-teaching a class and explores how this reflection can enhance teaching abilities, fostering personal growth and improvement. For this particular case study, we deliberately selected teachers from a community school in Karachi using purposive sampling. This sample specifically included teachers who had engaged in both practicing and reflecting on their teaching for a minimum of twelve months. With the school's approval, we conducted individual interviews with all 14 participants, considering their availability, using a self-designed interview guide. These audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim for subsequent coding and thematic analysis. According to the study findings, teachers who consistently reflect on their teaching demonstrate enhanced performance in various aspects. They excel in planning regular lessons, providing constructive student feedback, effectively managing classroom dynamics, and adeptly resolving issues that may arise. Furthermore, this regular reflective practice equips them with the ability to make informed professional decisions. While some teachers perceive reflection as time-consuming, most regard it as a productive and efficacious tool that positively influences their teaching capabilities, fostering beneficial changes.

Author Biographies

Shameer Khokhar

PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Iqra University, Karachi.

Dr. Rahat Rizvi

Assistant Professor, Department of Essential Studies, NEDUET, Karachi.

Aseem Majid Rizvi

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Iqra University, Karachi.


Academic Development Lead, IU School System Karachi.




How to Cite

Shameer Khokhar, Dr. Rahat Rizvi, Aseem Majid Rizvi, & Zill-E-Huma. (2024). Fostering Teaching Through Reflective Practices: A Case Of A Community Secondary School Of Karachi, Pakistan. Kurdish Studies, 12(3), 237–246.