Holden’s Traumatic State vs. the Sublimation of the Real a Lacanian Discourse Analysis on Salinger’s the Catcher in the Rye


  • Hossein Javanbakht
  • Hojatolla Borzabadi Farahani




Trauma, Symbolic Order, Real Order, Jouissance, Sublimation, Desire


J.D. Salinger as a modern American novelist displays the issues of lack of identity, distress, and alienation as the trauma of modern man. He exposes the main character, suffering from the psychic failure, in a repeated and vain cycle of seeking the other as a lost part. The story of the novel, The Catcher in The Rye, leads to a journey of self-discovery, which recalls Lacan’s “real” state. When Salinger’s main character ignores the symbolic order for moments, the real state occurs to him, which accompanies pain in pleasure or Lacanian jouissance. The conflict between symbolic order as pre-defined conventional codes and real order as “being in itself”, beyond the realm of appearance and images, results in character’s nervous breakdown and trauma though the very state leads to experience of sublime form of real for moments. Salinger’s main character feels a temporary state of satisfaction and stability through the sublimation of the real that makes him generate some novel perspectives to evolve the conventional standards. Although staying in each Lacan’s orders of human psyche is not constant forever and the character’s stability cannot be fixed, experience of the real state generates the moments for perception of sublimity.

Author Biographies

Hossein Javanbakht

Phd.Candidate Departement Of Language and English Literature Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Karaj, Iran

Hojatolla Borzabadi Farahani

Assistant Professor, Departement of Language and English Literature Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran




How to Cite

Hossein Javanbakht, & Hojatolla Borzabadi Farahani. (2023). Holden’s Traumatic State vs. the Sublimation of the Real a Lacanian Discourse Analysis on Salinger’s the Catcher in the Rye. Kurdish Studies, 11(1), 558–565. https://doi.org/10.53555/ks.v11i1.2950


