The Predictive Ability of the Dimensions of Cyberbullying Based on the Information of the Dark Triad of Personality among Female University Students


  • Nilly Hussien Elamrousy Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, King Khalid University
  • Abeer Salh Alshehri Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, King Khalid University.


dimensions of cyberbullying - dark triad of personality.


The phenomenon of cyberbullying is a common problem nowadays and has dimensions that can be linked to harmful personality traits, which are (deceptive Machiavellianism), (controlling) narcissism, and (impulsive) psychopathy. Most previous studies have shown that Bullying is an aggressive behavior that leads to harm to the bully and the victim. It appears in the bad psychological effects of each of them. The studies that dealt with the relationship of the dark triad of personality to cyberbullying among school students more than university students all concluded that there is a relationship between the dark triad of personality and cyberbullying as a whole in general and that psychopathy The strongest predictor of cyberbullying. Despite the interest in studying cyberbullying, there is a research gap represented in the lack of addressing specific dimensions of cyberbullying and its relationship to the dark triad personality traits among university students, who represent an important segment in all societies, and to the best of the researcher’s knowledge, there is no Arab or foreign study that has addressed the variables of the current research. Combined in one relational system among female university students in Saudi society. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to verify the predictive ability of dimensions of cyberbullying with the knowledge of the dark triad of personality for a sample of female students at King Khalid University. The importance of this research appears to be to benefit specialists in developing counseling and treatment programs for university students who possess these characteristics, so that they enjoy a high level of psychological health and integrate well with society.




How to Cite

Nilly Hussien Elamrousy, & Abeer Salh Alshehri. (2024). The Predictive Ability of the Dimensions of Cyberbullying Based on the Information of the Dark Triad of Personality among Female University Students. Kurdish Studies, 12(2), 5789–5802. Retrieved from