Research Training of University Teachers in the Business Sciences: A Multidimensional Vision from the Hermeneutics
training, hermeneutics, teacher, researcher, university.Abstract
The main purpose of this article was to interpret the research training of university teachers in business sciences focused on hermeneutics from a multidimensional viewpoint in a private university in Lima-Peru. The interpretative paradigm was followed, under the critical-reflexive approach, based on the circular dialectical process of three moments: thesis, contradiction and antithesis, considering a flexible, dynamic, dialogic design, typical of qualitative research. The key informants were determined by 12 university professors of the Faculty of Business Sciences, who met the selection criteria. The techniques used in the study were focus groups, content analysis and underlining, and the information matrix was used as an instrument. It is concluded that the researcher's own hermeneutic introspection enables the construction of new styles of epistemic thinking in business sciences, which allow a multidimensional approach to research from different socio-business ecosystems. There is an urgent need to direct the research processes towards flexible, dynamic, systemic, holistic and complementary designs, contributing to the formation of critical-reflexive citizens based on their own socio-entrepreneurial reality.
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