Sustainable Business Models: Integrating the Social Economy into Business Management Strategies


  • Walter Geovanny Caminos Manjarrez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Republica de Alemania
  • Katherine Geovanna Guerrero Arrieta Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Universidad de Valencia,
  • Francisco Paúl Pérez Salas Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Giomara Margarita Quizhpe Monar Universidad de Guayaquil,


business models, sustainability, Social Economy, management strategies.


Introduction: Social Economy (SE) is an effective tool within the economic and social model adopted by companies because it is based on productivity, efficiency and financial sustainability, under a differentiating component: placing the human being at the center of every decision. Objective: To analyze the integration of SE in business management strategies corresponding to sustainable business models. Materials and methods: The qualitative methodology was implemented because the contents of each article published in scientific journals available in specialized databases such as Scielo, Dialnet, Redalyc and Google Academic were studied, considering a series of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Indeed, the PRISMA method was used and it was necessary that the archives be linked to the integration of the Social Economy in the business management strategies of sustainable business models. Results: 47 articles were collected, of which only 17 files were chosen for the development of the systematic review after discerning between those studies that were duplicated, not recoverable, lacking the analysis of the proposed topic and those that were published outside the established period. The most outstanding findings indicate that the integration of SE in business management strategies corresponding to sustainable business models responds to a trend of companies towards the adoption of sustainability in their business models as a strategic orientation that supports their permanence in the long term. Conclusions: Integrating the SE into business management strategies corresponding to sustainable business models favors the permanence of companies in the long term.




How to Cite

Walter Geovanny Caminos Manjarrez, Katherine Geovanna Guerrero Arrieta, Francisco Paúl Pérez Salas, & Giomara Margarita Quizhpe Monar. (2024). Sustainable Business Models: Integrating the Social Economy into Business Management Strategies. Kurdish Studies, 12(2), 3616–3628. Retrieved from