Child Abuse in Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Hadeel AbuElRub Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Rashed Shatnawi Forensic Unit, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Ali Salameh Sixth year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Heba Amayreh Sixth year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Rand Bumadian Sixth year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Mo'men Rabba Sixth year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Hamza Shawaheen Sixth year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Roaa Bani Younis Sixth year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Wateen ElKhasawneh Sixth year Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University, 21163 Irbid, Jordan
  • Ahed J Alkhatib Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan


Child abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, slapping, school


Child abuse is a serious health problem and affects both the development and academic achievements of abused children. The main objectives of the present study were to study the prevalence of child abuse and its related factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted to collect data from study participants. The study sample included 333 participants. The study questionnaire was composed of two parts, demographic variables, and child abuse-related variables. A convenient sampling technique was followed to collect data from participants through distributed online questionnaires. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 21.  Results of the study showed that the prevalence of child abuse was 13.5%. the most common age of child abuse was in the range of 2-9 years. Physical violence was the most common single type of abuse. Slapping was the most common single method of abuse. The school was the most common place in which abuse was likely to occur. Depression and suicide were frequently encountered by abused children. Medical attention was required by one-third of participants. Abuse was witnessed in about 58% of events. Reporting of abuse cases was mentioned in about 4% of abuse events. Taken together, child abuse is a serious health problem and efforts should be input to reduce its prevalence and associated factors.




How to Cite

Hadeel AbuElRub, Rashed Shatnawi, Ali Salameh, Heba Amayreh, Rand Bumadian, Mo’men Rabba, … Ahed J Alkhatib. (2024). Child Abuse in Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Study. Kurdish Studies, 12(2), 3401–3408. Retrieved from