Nusantara Aesthetics in Traditional Javanese House Interior Design: Adapting the Concept of Budi Pekerti for Homes based on Local Wisdom


  • Ayub Muktiono Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta, Indonesia,


Archipelago Aesthetics, Interior Design, Traditional House, Java, Local Wisdom.


For Javanese people, house construction is directed at maintaining a balance between residents and their environment. Adapting the concept of Aesthetic Values from Traditional Javanese Houses for interior design based on Indonesian culture aims to present an interior design that is homely, comfortable, spacious and in accordance with local wisdom. The aim of this research is to explore and develop the Indonesian aesthetic found in the interior design of traditional Javanese houses. This research utilizes a qualitative approach with an imperative method as a basis for producing interior designs that respect and adopt local cultural values. The results of this research reveal that the development of Nusantara Aesthetics in the interior design of traditional Javanese houses has an important role in creating spaces that not only focus on physical aspects, but also depict the cultural values, life philosophy and social ethics of Javanese society. Concepts such as aruh, gupuh, lungguh, and suguh reflect harmony in social interaction and guest reception, which is reflected in various architectural elements such as pendhapa, regol, and Paringgitan. By understanding and implementing this Nusantara Aesthetic, interior designers can create deeper spaces, embrace cultural richness, and respect local values in designing harmonious and meaningful residential environments.




How to Cite

Ayub Muktiono. (2024). Nusantara Aesthetics in Traditional Javanese House Interior Design: Adapting the Concept of Budi Pekerti for Homes based on Local Wisdom. Kurdish Studies, 12(1), 4112–4122. Retrieved from