Gender Responsive Budgeting Planning Model in Society


  • Yurisna Tanjung Social Welfare Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Indonesia
  • Mujahiddin Social Welfare Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Indonesia


Model, Budget Planning, Gender Responsiveness, Medan City Community


The Medan City Government has made many efforts to promote gender equality and justice. These efforts include activities in various forms, such as the socialization of Gender Mainstreaming (PUG), advocacy to policymakers, in this case, the OPD in Medan City, PUG institutional development, and technical guidance for integrating gender into the development process cycle through the preparation of Gender Responsive Management. This research will explain the Gender Responsive Budgeting Model. The research method that will be used is a qualitative research method with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) perspective. This method and perspective were chosen because the research targets are based on applied action. The results of this research show that the City Government needs to reach an agreement on budget and training for existing resources in Regional Apparatus Organizations in order to accelerate Gender Responsive development.




How to Cite

Yurisna Tanjung, & Mujahiddin. (2024). Gender Responsive Budgeting Planning Model in Society. Kurdish Studies, 12(1), 2707–2714. Retrieved from