Following Suspicion in the Texts of the Infallible (Peace Be Upon Them)


  • Dr. Zainab Hadi Jaber Mahdi College of Education/ Mustansiriya University,


good faith , bad suspension , Hadiths


This research titled (following doubt in the text of the holy infallible peace be upon them) the importance of spreading the culture of the benefit of the doubt between people to achieve a life of contentment and psychological comfort which the stories of Ahl Al-Baiet peace be upon them ensured and this research reviews, also the study of the bad doubts which is considered immoral aspect that threatens the fabric of society and cause negative physiological effects, then demonstrating the most important results and recommendations.




How to Cite

Dr. Zainab Hadi Jaber Mahdi. (2024). Following Suspicion in the Texts of the Infallible (Peace Be Upon Them). Kurdish Studies, 12(1). Retrieved from