The Relationship of Turkey with the Countries of the Black Sea Region After the Cold War


  • Eman Talib Fakher College of Education for Women/ University for Basrah/ Iraq,
  • Haider Abdel-Wahed Nasser Al-Hamidawi University of Basrah/ College of Education for Women, Department of Modern and Contemporary History


Soft power, Turkey's new regional role, NATO expansion, fundamental changes in Turkish foreign policy.


The research explores the relationship of Turkey with the countries of the Black Sea region in the period after the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It also investigates Turkey’s orientation towards employing soft power in order to be able to harmonize with the Black Sea countries, which differ in political, economic, and cultural terms, since all of these countries previously belonged to What is known as the Warsaw Pact, while Turkey was the only country among them affiliated with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in addition to the differences in races, religions, and economic system that these countries followed. The study also addresses Turkey's success in developing its foreign policy in line with the new political reality and moving away from the policy of neutrality and isolation, as some have described, and shifting to initiative and participation policy




How to Cite

Eman Talib Fakher, & Haider Abdel-Wahed Nasser Al-Hamidawi. (2024). The Relationship of Turkey with the Countries of the Black Sea Region After the Cold War. Kurdish Studies, 12(1). Retrieved from