The Universality of Humanity and Citizenship in Marxist, Liberal, and Islamic Thought: A Foundational Study


  • Sabah Globe Faleh Al-Saadi , Prof. Amer Hassan Fayyad, Prof. Zaid Adnan Al-Ukaili Department of Political Science, El Alamein Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Najaf Al-Ashraf / Iraq,


Citizenship, human rights, Islamic, liberal, Marxist, universality


The human's universality stems from their inherent self, representing their truth in every human existence. This universality is intrinsic and not a product of making or consideration. Human universality is inseparable from their being and exists with them constantly. On the other hand, considerate universality is based on external making and consideration, and can be separated from something if the consideration changes or the need for it disappears. Human universality is self-based and not based on consideration. The concept of citizenship as a political consideration is outside the reality of human selfhood. Human universality has not been taken into account in the concept of citizenship, not even in Marxist political thought, which made the universal standard for humans through the working class (proletariat). This is also just a concept outside of human selfhood, even if it is a universal consideration for a class of people. Liberal political thought made citizenship based on the national state system the basis for determining human rights. It made the political and civil rights stipulated in international declarations and treaties a standard for determining the civility of the state. These political and civil rights, even if some are inherent to humans, do not need significant consideration by making them universal through international treaties. Meanwhile, Islamic thought considers humanity as a supreme value on which the global system is based. The universality of Islam is nominated to the universality of the system formed according to Islamic law, which is a universal system. Therefore, Islam, as a religion of human nature in its political dimension, considers humans as universal through the Islamization and humanization of the global system .




How to Cite

Sabah Globe Faleh Al-Saadi , Prof. Amer Hassan Fayyad, Prof. Zaid Adnan Al-Ukaili. (2024). The Universality of Humanity and Citizenship in Marxist, Liberal, and Islamic Thought: A Foundational Study. Kurdish Studies, 12(1). Retrieved from