The Presentation Form of Short Videos of Chinese National Instrumental Music Performance —— Based on the Content Analysis of the Douyin and B Stations


  • Xu Xiao International College, Krirk University,
  • Feng Ya International College, Krirk University


Chinese national instrumental music performance; short video; presentation form; content analysis


This study mainly analyzes and expounds the innovation mode, discourse pattern and cultural exchange of short videos of national instrumental music performance through data collection, processing and encoding. It is found that the emergence of short videos not only activates the innovation of the presentation form of national instrumental music performance art, but also changes its discourse pattern, showing a trend of centralization. The dissemination and presentation methods of short video also build a bridge of cross-cultural interpretation for its development and inheritance, so that its cultural value and artistic aesthetic value are extended and its connotation is deepened.




How to Cite

Xu Xiao, & Feng Ya. (2023). The Presentation Form of Short Videos of Chinese National Instrumental Music Performance —— Based on the Content Analysis of the Douyin and B Stations. Kurdish Studies, 11(3), 334–346. Retrieved from