The Augmented and Virtual Reality of Tourism and Creative Industry: Communicating Indonesia's New Way to the Digital Economy


  • Z. Hidayat Dr (Communication), Senior Lecturer, Binus Graduate Program—Master of Communication Science, Bina Nusantara University, 1 #9 K. H. Syahdan Str., Kemanggisan, West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
  • Ricardo Indra Dr (Communication), Senior Lecturer, BINUS Graduate Program—Master of Communication Science, Bina Nusantara University, 2 #9 K. H. Syahdan Str., Kemanggisan, West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
  • Zhafira Yunita Student of BINUS Graduate Program—Master of Strategic Marketing Communication, Bina Nusantara University, 3 #9 K. H. Syahdan Str., Kemanggisan, West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
  • Sesafani A. Marsha Student of BINUS Graduate Program—Master of Strategic Marketing Communication, Bina Nusantara University, 4 #9 K. H. Syahdan Str. Kemanggisan, West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
  • Patricia A. Hapsari Student of BINUS Graduate Program—Master of Strategic Marketing Communication, Bina Nusantara University, 5 #9 K. H. Syahdan Str., Kemanggisan, West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia


Augmented and virtual reality; Artificial intelligence marketing; Digital economics; Tourism development; Tourism communication campaign


The uniqueness of this paper lies in its attempt to discuss augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in the creative industry and cultural products. Several business lines include crafts, advertising, product design, marketing, tourism, architecture, graphics, and fashion. The creative sector also includes film, television, video, visual arts, photography, software, computer services, museums, art galleries, and libraries that need innovative and tech-savvy marketing communications. This paper aims to analyze AR/VR applications in the tourism and creative industry. The systematic literature review (SLR) method analyzed 98 academic articles. Coding used several relevant keywords to analyze AR/VR in each creative sector. This research shows that AR/VR is applied to the creative industry to strengthen campaign strategies in reaching the worldwide target market. AR/VR is a strategic choice worth considering for companies' sustainability in the tourism and creative industry and communicating Indonesia's new way to the digital economy. Research implications and recommendations for future research are also discussed.




How to Cite

Z. Hidayat, Ricardo Indra, Zhafira Yunita, Sesafani A. Marsha, & Patricia A. Hapsari. (2023). The Augmented and Virtual Reality of Tourism and Creative Industry: Communicating Indonesia’s New Way to the Digital Economy. Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 5885–5904. Retrieved from