Evaluating Effect of Value Based Networking Capability and Salespersons Performance


  • Ida Bagus Nyoman Udayana Doctor of marketing science, Lecturer, Management Studies, Faculty of Economics, Tamansiswa Sarjanawiyata University, Jl Kusumanegara 157, Yogyakarta, 55152, Indonesia,
  • Nuryakin Doctor of marketing science, Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics, Muhammadyah University of Yogyakarta Jl. Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kec. Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 55764, Indonesia
  • Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono Senior professor of human resource management science in the Faculty of Economics, Muhammadyah University of Yogyakarta, Jl. Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kec. Kasihan, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 55764, Indonesia
  • Ambar Lukitaningsih Doctor of marketing science, Lecturer, Master of Management Studies, Faculty of Economics, Tamansiswa sarjanawiyata University, Jalan Kusumanegara 157, Yogyakarta, 55764, Indonesia
  • Putri Dwi Cahyani Master of marketing science, Lecturer, Management Studies, Faculty of Economics, Tamansiswa Sarjanawiyata University, Jl Kusumanegara 157, Yogyakarta, 55152, Indonesia


Value based networking capability; adaptive selling capability; customer orientation; learning orientation salesperson performance.


This study extends the previous literature in the field of network marketing. The purpose of this study is to analysis new concept namely value based networking capability to support successful salesperson performance. Data were collected as many as 350 Salesperson from small and medium enterprises. This study used non-probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling techniques. The data analysis method uses Covarian Based-Structural Modeling (CB-SEM) with programming tools that support primary data analysis in Amos_v. 24.The results of the study indicate that the value based networking capability as a bridge connecting adaptive selling capability and salesperson performance. Furthermore, learning orientation and customers oritentation have significant and also positive impacts toward salesperson performance through value based networking capability.  Limitations and future research directions are also discussed in this study.




How to Cite

Ida Bagus Nyoman Udayana, Nuryakin, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, Ambar Lukitaningsih, & Putri Dwi Cahyani. (2023). Evaluating Effect of Value Based Networking Capability and Salespersons Performance. Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 5863–5884. Retrieved from https://kurdishstudies.net/menu-script/index.php/KS/article/view/1153