"Breastfeeding SOS" Model to Increase Mother's Relaxation as A Preparedness for the Covid-19 Pandemic
Android Application, SEFT, Breastfeeding SOS, Oxytocin Stimulation.Abstract
Background: WHO has declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. To minimize the spread of the virus, the Indonesian government has implemented a call to maintain distance and avoid crowds. Disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic can cause postpartum mothers to experience anxiety. This causes breast milk production to decrease, thereby risking reducing the duration of breastfeeding, both exclusive and breastfeeding, by up to two years. Therefore, easily accessible and effective treatment using Android-based applications is essential. Providing oxytocin stimulation and SEFT (breastfeeding SOS) is expected to reduce postpartum mothers' anxiety, increasing relaxation and breast milk production. This research aims to develop the "SOS breastfeeding" model of Oxytocin Stimulation therapy and SEFT, an Android-based application for breastfeeding mothers who experience anxiety, to increase maternal relaxation as preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The research method used is the method of research and development (R&D). The research stage was a preliminary study by conducting a needs analysis/need assessment. Using a draft model, the second stage of model development was developed through FGD by a team of experts, and then a limited initial test was carried out. After that, product revisions were carried out. In this research, effectiveness testing and product finalization were carried out. Results: The age of respondents is generally 20-35 years, as much as 62%, the parity of respondents is generally primipara, as much as 47%, the highest education of respondents is high school, as much as 40%, the highest occupation of respondents is housewife 39%. the majority of respondents perceived the use of the application as quite helpful (65%). The breast milk fluency score before therapy was 58.63, and the breast milk fluency score after therapy was 88.7. The statistical test results show a p-value of 0.0001, which means there is a difference in the average breast milk flow score before and after therapy in breastfeeding mothers. Conclusion: The Android-based SOS breastfeeding application is an application that helps mothers reduce anxiety and increase breast milk production because mothers can carry out oxytocin and SEFT stimulation actions independently by viewing the Android-based SOS breastfeeding application.
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