Political Developments in Uruguay (1967-1973)



Political Developments , Uruguay, Left parties, Liberation Front


Amid the political developments that took place in Latin America in general and the Republic of Uruguay in particular, which is not an exception to the policy that brought the United States of America into the capitalist and communist conflict, this country part was made part of that conflict and used a military government against the communist tide existing at that time. The ruling policy of the Uruguayan president at that time was after arbitrariness, the multiplicity of decisions, the banning of leftist parties, and the failure to take into account Parliament’s decisions through the policy of gagging mouths, expelling professors from universities, and suppressing unions. As far as the economic aspect is concerned, Uruguay followed direct connection with foreign capital, especially the United States of America, and followed the lines defined by the International Monetary Fund. Besides, the government also defined the movement of its business with businessmen, neoliberal technocrats, and extremist Baathist groups.The repressive policy on the political side, the economic crisis and high inflation fueled the social conflict and the emergence of extremist leftist gangs such as the Cubamaru National Liberation Front. This Front consisted of extremist leftist guerrillas, aiming at strengthening the state’s tendencies and controlling them. It implemented a harsh policy of repression against the most common social sectors, which at that time was considered strange and a threat to the peaceful stability of the state. Therefore, the persecution of political activists in solidarity with them continued in Uruguay, as in the case of all dictatorships at that time.In June 1968, it represented a painful wound for the country, when the Panekko Sevda governments launched urgent security measures pertaining to the economic situation, including suspending the activities of salary councils, freezing salaries under the pretext of fighting inflation, and the army’s intervention in the matter through mass arrests of union leaders and students and those trapped in the streets after the death of the first student. All of this led to the intense tensions  between the government and people.On the subject of the attitude of the United States on the current situation in Uruguay, Uruguay was part of the dictatorial governments that the United States of America worked to support and link economically to American security capital. This brought up a deteriorating economic situation, and Uruguay lived during that period a state of economic inflation. This situation negatively affected society in light of the various conflicts hit such society without any solution provided by the government and behind it the United States.The United States acted to protect its interests through the  use of armed forces. Such forces gradually besieged the civilian dictatorships that were protecting its interests and ideologies in the backyard, and drove these forces at the forefront of political life.




How to Cite

Ahmed Abdulhussein S Al-Nasrawi, & Ammar Khalid Al-Rubayai. (2023). Political Developments in Uruguay (1967-1973). Kurdish Studies, 11(2), 4416–4425. Retrieved from https://kurdishstudies.net/menu-script/index.php/KS/article/view/1031