Seerha (Peace Be Upon Him): An In-Depth Article on Islamic Studies Exploring HEC-Approved Journals in Pakistan


  • Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
  • Muhammad Aslam
  • Abdullah Yousaf



Islamic Studies Journals, Prophetic Seerah (Peace Be Upon Him), Higher Education Commission (HEC), Multidisciplinary Islamic Scholarship, Academic Exploration in Islam


This paper offers an extensive examination of Islamic research journals approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Islamabad, with a particular focus on those published within Pakistani universities. It highlights the detailed introduction, prominent features, and core methodologies of these journals, with an emphasis on their contributions to scholarly discourse on Islamic teachings, especially the Prophetic Seerah (biography of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). Approved by the HEC, these journals are published in Urdu, Arabic, and English, reflecting their multidisciplinary nature. This study aims to elucidate the significant role these journals play in the academic exploration and dissemination of Islamic knowledge, positioning them as crucial platforms for fostering both traditional and contemporary Islamic scholarship. The analysis underlines the journals' pivotal role in enriching the understanding of Islamic teachings, influencing diverse academic and cultural landscapes in Pakistan.

Author Biographies

Dr. Abdul Ghaffar

Department of Islamic Studies, University of Okara, Okara, Pakistan


Muhammad Aslam

Department of Islamic Studies, University of Okara, Okara, Pakistan


Abdullah Yousaf

Department of Islamic Studies, University of Okara, Okara, Pakistan





How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Ghaffar, Muhammad Aslam, & Abdullah Yousaf. (2024). Seerha (Peace Be Upon Him): An In-Depth Article on Islamic Studies Exploring HEC-Approved Journals in Pakistan. Kurdish Studies, 12(5), 129–140.